Taking part in modern military operations suppose carrying a large amount of ammunition, grenades, first-aid kits, radio stations and many other things. Of course, the following question arises - how to effectively and conveniently place all this items on yourself so that it doesn't interfere your movement and any item is in quick access? 6sh117 is the...
Tactical vest 6sh117 with a basic set of pouches.Such a set is called "Junior Gunner" Taking part in modern military operations suppose carrying a large amount of ammunition, grenades, first-aid kits, radio stations and many other things. Of course, the following question arises - how to effectively and conveniently place all this items on yourself so...
Tactical vest 6sh117 with a full set of all pouches.Such a set is called "Senior Gunner" Taking part in modern military operations suppose carrying a large amount of ammunition, grenades, first-aid kits, radio stations and many other things. Of course, the following question arises - how to effectively and conveniently place all this items on yourself so...
Taking part in modern military operations suppose carrying a large amount of ammunition, grenades, first-aid kits, radio stations and many other things. Of course, the following question arises - how to effectively and conveniently place all this items on yourself so that it doesn't interfere your movement and any item is in quick access? "Techinkom"...
Desert version of the new generation vest 6sh117 Taking part in modern military operations suppose carrying a large amount of ammunition, grenades, first-aid kits, radio stations and many other things. Of course, the following question arises - how to effectively and conveniently place all this items on yourself so that it doesn't interfere your movement...
New generation of desert 6sh117 for hot climate used in the southern military district and Syrian Arab Republic. Tactical vest 6sh117 with a full set of all pouches.Such a set is called "Senior Gunner" Taking part in modern military operations suppose carrying a large amount of ammunition, grenades, first-aid kits, radio stations and many other things. Of...
6SH92-5 is a discharge vest designed specifically for the needs of the Russian Airborne Forces. It consists of two chest parts with four pouches for 2 AK mags, two pouches for grenade, two pouches for ROP, Y-shaped shoulder straps and a waist belt.Designed to be worn with the 6B23 bodyarmor, used in the Russian Airborne Troops VDV.
Complete set of molle pouches for 6sh117 tactical vests, but can also be used with any vest with a molle attachment system. Available kits: • Basic • Full
Poyas-A and his younger brother Poyas-B became the first full-fledged tactical vest of the Soviet army. The development was carried out taking into account real combat conditions, and combat officers took part in it. The ammo pouches could hold several AK-74 mags, and hold up to ten grenades. For the first time, army designers paid attention to the...
"Ratnik" repair kits for tactical vests 6sh116/117 can also be used for body armor 6b45.Such a set can be a universal solution for repairing equipment and clothing out in the fields.